
How to Create Brass Chain Jewelry Set

Vintage fashion jewelries are always very popular with people. Many jewelry makers like to create them, and many people like to wear them. And brass chains are one of the most versatile and widely used materials for creating vintage style jewelry. Today, let’s make a cool brass chain jewelry set for this hot summer.
Brass Chains, with Clear Rhinestone
Brass Chains, with Clear Rhinestone

First, let us to create the necklace together. The materials you need to prepare are raw brass chain, gold metallic crystal beads, brass head pins, brass flower caps, brass jump rings and brass toggle clasp. The steps are very simple. First, cut off the chain as short length, and attach three strands together onto a jump ring. Attach their other ends on another jump ring to make those chains as a link. Follow the same steps to make several links. About the numbers of links, it depends on the length of your necklace. String a flower brass cap and a gold metallic crystal bead on a head pin; cut off the rest pin and use a round nose plier to make a loop on the top of bead. Before you close the loop, attach it onto a jump ring. If you think it is not convenient or easy to you, you can close the loop first, and use a plier to open the jump ring to attach the loop, and close the jump ring at last. Both methods are okay, and just choose the suitable one for you. Follow the same steps to make the rest crystal bead as beaded pendants. Link all the brass chain links together, and attach all the beaded pendants on the jump rings which are the links of chains too. The last step is using jump rings to attach the brass toggle clasp on the two ends of necklace. An antique but shiny raw brass chain necklace with gold crystal beads is finished. The design is very simple, but very special right? Just try it in person or create your own one based on this necklace.
Brass Chain, with Cyan Rhinestone
Brass Chain

Now, it is time to create a pair of matchable earrings for this necklace. The steps of making earrings are much easier than making necklace. Cut the raw brass chains as 10 short strands with the same length, and attach them onto two brass jump rings, 5 strands per ring. The last step is attaching the jump ring onto the small loops of earring hooks by plier. A pair of antique brass chain earrings is finished. They are very simple abut much matchable with the necklace right? You can also cut the chains as 6 shorter strands and 3 strands for per jump rings. Add a gold metallic crystal bead on each chain as beaded drops. It is very matchable with that necklace too. 

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