
Jewelry Inspiration of Using Brass Chain in Different Jewelry Makings

If you like to create chain jewelry, the necessary jewelry material for your design is chain, and brass chain is a good choice for these designs. Brass chains are available in different sizes, shapes and colors as well as other metal chains. How do they work in different jewelry makings?
For Earrings Making
Many people say if you are a beginner of jewelry making, creating a pair of chain earrings is a good start. Why? Because the chain earrings are very easy to create, but can be stunning as long as you have good creativity. Here, we would like to share a chain earring making design with you. Of course, it is very suitable for beginners too. Jewelry Materials: silver twist brass chain (about 2mm long, 1mm wide, 0.35mm thick), 6pcs 6mm blue glass pearl beads, Tibetan style leaf pendants, eyepins, 2pcs jump rings and 2 earring hooks. Step 1, cut the brass chain into 3 different length, and 2pcs for each length. Step2, string a blue glass pearl bead on one eyepin and make a loop at its top. Attach a leaf pendant at one loop of eyepin to make a linked pendant. Repeat this step to link all the rest glass pearl beads and leaf pendants together. Step 3, attach these linked pendants on 6 chains. Step 4, use a jump ring to combine 3 chains in different lengths together, and attach them on an earring hoop. Step 5, repeat step 4. Till now, a pair of simple but elegant chain earrings in vintage style is finished.
For Bracelets Making
Some brass chains won’t be produced at the traditional way, but like rhinestone links. Many people like to use them to create shinning jewelries. But here, we would like to tell you how to use this kind of brass chain to create sailor bracelets. We only need rhinestone brass chain and cotton waxed cord for this design. Step 1, cut off the cord at the suitable length you need for your wrist. We need 30 strands (the number depends on your decision). Step 2, separate all the cords as 3 parts and twist each past as a big cord. Step 2, fix one end of the 3 big strands, and add the rhinestone brass chain into one of them. Step 3, braid them together. Step 4, make a knot at the ends of cords. A sailor bracelet is finished now.
For Necklaces Making
The simplest way to make a chain necklace is using a length of chain to string a pendant, and attaching a clasp. Well, you can also cut the brass chains off as short length, and use them attach beaded links to create a long necklace chain.
Brass chain can be used to create countless stunning jewelry. What you needed is creativity. In order to get more selections of brass chains, you’d better to purchase them from beads wholesale online stores. 

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